School is Easy Tutoring
February 14, 2022
The vast majority of the part-time workforce is made up of women who are seeking temporary roles and more flexible working options after having children. The unfortunate reality is that this leaves them vulnerable to missing out on potential growth of earnings that would be more readily available to them in a permanent role. According to research by the Institute for Fiscal Studies, undertaken for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, by the time a mother’s first child is 20 years old, she earns on average almost a third less per hour than a father at a similar level of education.
Back in the 90s the gender pay gap was around 30%, and whilst it has come down from then the progress seems to have stalled in recent times, with the average woman earning about 7% less per hour than the average man. It’s frustrating that in the modern day a woman’s pay can still be suffering because of cultural conventions from centuries prior, that forces women in a nuclear household to take sole responsibility for juggling part time work with childcare and sacrificing career continuity. It’s not all doom and gloom though, and the world of franchising offers some incredible solutions for an increasing number of entrepreneurially minded women who are ready to challenge the status quo.
The global trend is clear, more women than ever are choosing to join franchising. Since 2010, there has been an 80% increase in the number of women getting into franchising in America, whilst here in the UK, the BFA reported a 20% increase since 2015. In fact, in the last 3 years, 37% of all new franchisees in Britain are female.
There are a variety of reasons people choose to franchise; from being unable to reach their full potential in their current career, lack of flexibility in the workplace, or simply wanting to be their own boss using a tried and tested business model. Women who decide on self-employment are increasingly drawn to franchising as it allows them to start a business confidently, and with the ongoing support and training from an established brand with a proven model for success.
Choosing self-employment gives women control of their work/life balance, and far higher job satisfaction than employees working for larger companies. With the financial security provided by franchising, women can work and earn at a level which reflects their true skills and experience in a career they feel passionately about, rather than punishing them for starting a family.
Investing in a franchise allows you to start your business confidently where all the tools, training, and support needed for a successful business is provided. Women are generally regarded as possessing greater communication and collaboration skills than their male counterparts, and these are qualities which sit at the very heart of franchising, meaning it is an environment where women can positively thrive with none of the usual traditional workplace barriers holding them back.
Our franchisee for Kingston and Wimbledon, Sarah, had this to say about joining School is Easy:
As a mother and a former teacher for 10 Years, I feel that School is Easy is the best opportunity for my family life and for my career in education. It gives me the flexibility to raise my children (I have a toddler and a new-born!).
With my background in education, School is Easy UK is a perfect match for me, not only can I work from home, but I can also continue to help students reach their academic goals.
I feel I absolutely embody the School is Easy UK values, and the team spirit motivates me to do my best for my clients and tutors.
Chris Wyle (Master Franchisor) and Donna Garratty (Franchise Development) introduced me to business concepts. They’ve been a guiding hand, helping and supporting me on my first experience in my own business. For me, they are some of the most open-minded, supportive people I know who operate with integrity and sincerity. I have learned so much about how to run a business – our regular team meetings are so educational and informative. The teaching has been so insightful, benefiting my business greatly.
For anyone who might be looking for a change or a new opportunity, I’d say go for it! The SIE UK model is a way of having flexibility as well as making a huge difference to young people in your community.”
If you have decided that 2022 is the year that you want to build your own business and earn the money that you deserve whilst still being there for your family, then come and meet with us in Birmingham on Saturday 5th March between 10:30 and 14:00 for our Free Discovery Day.
During the day you will meet the head office team and an existing franchisee who will help you explore the opportunity, market demand, business model, value proposition and the potential financial rewards. Book your free place HERE. We can’t wait to meet you!
Franchising allows you to shoot for the stars, with no glass ceiling in the way!
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